Sunday, September 01, 2013

American Sign Language Resources

If two of my boys weren't deaf, I probably wouldn't have learned sign langauge. Because they are deaf, we have learned sign language to communicate with them. Their cochlear implants may give them access to sound, but my sons are still deaf. Big Kid primarily uses oral/aural communication, but when his CI comes off he relies on lip reading and sign language for communication. T Man can hear with his CI, but communicates better with sign language.

Here are some online tools I've found useful when learning American Sign Langauge:

ASL Dictionaries:

Michigan State ASL Browser:

Everyday ASL YouTube Channel:

Deaf Missions Lending Library:

Easy Lesson Plans (some free/some $):

ASL Dictionary of Religious Words:

ASL Style Religious Videos:

ASL Hymns (LDS Site):,17361,7208-1,00.html

28 Songs in Sign Language:

My list here is something I've used in the past when I taught basic sign language to children, and may be a bit dated. I've also used these sites when trying to learn religious words, to help my son through classes at church. There are many more wonderful sign language sites. If you have more to share with me and others who view this site, please post the links in the comment section of this section. Thank you!

(*Few people comment here, but according to the site stats, this blog is getting hit quite a bit every day, from readers all across the US and many other countries. PLEASE share any other resources that you've found helpful, so we can all use them, too. THANK YOU!)