Well, boys are set in school, things have really calmed down.
Josh had his 18 month post CI checkup, he did fine with all frequencies except the low ones. We couldn't remap him yet because we didn't have his map from his old CI center yet. They had all the therapy notes, but not the map. They're not sure if they can boost the low frequency for him or not. He had full insertion of the electrode with his CI surgery, but because of the Mondini dysplasia he may not have great use in that specific range.
Receptively Josh's doing great, though. Well, for him. Better and better. And he's spontaneously signing and "saying" more every day. Yesterday at school his teacher said he spontaneously signed "today" for her when they were going over the calendar. That might not sound like much for some folks, but remember we're really trying to get him to use language on his own right now, and more than just labeling things. A big step for him. Today we were building Lincoln Log houses in the basement and he signed and vocalized "house" while we were doing it. Yes, this is labeling, too, but I was thrilled. House sounded more like "how", but it was great to hear, anyway. He is using sign and his voice throughout the day now. I should keep a journal of what he does in a day or two, and post it. I think I did that back at the old home, but that was more prompted language. I'd be interested to note what he's doing on his own now, too.
Matt is amazing. He's seven now, and becoming a bit pushy with friends. It's funny, they don't even look at him much like he's deaf, that's just a part of Matt. I find it very interesting, though, when I sit down and do his spelling homework with him. It gives me a very good insight into how he really hears and interprets words. He's in second grade, but doing third grade language arts/spelling work. It's a good fit. I'm thrilled to say he got 115% on his last spelling test, too! It may take him a little longer to learn the spelling sounds and rules, but he is doing great.
Sometimes it bothers me that Josh isn't progressing as quickly and easily as Matt has, but I think I'm finally accepting that it's okay. That acceptance takes a while, doesn't happen over night. It helps to see at least some forward progress for Josh. That keeps me motivated to help him more. But I'm also thrilled he's adjusted so well at his school. No problems with separation, he has an amazing teacher, and a little friend in his class, too. The allergy counts are down, and when he's not washed out tired (like last night), he's doing much better than during allergy season. I wish he could talk and tell me what's really going on with him sometimes, but I just work a little harder now at communicating with him on his level. Trying to "read" him better so I can help him, too.
Okay. Nothing major to report. I did find Matt's old communication book from school. It would be interesting to post some of those old notes. Pre and post CI. I would like to "interview" Matt again about his schooling now. That would be cool to put down, for his own reference later, too. I wanted to scan in photos of his "Scientist of the Week" presentation in his mainstream class, but I can find the scanner cord yet. Darn! More reason to finish unpacking the office. Well, more to come later!!! :)
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