Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Devon on Young and Restless gets his Cochlear Implant Activated!

Oh, my gosh. I was going to wait and post later, but I'm watching the CI activation on The Young and Restless right now, and I'm in tears. Goosebumps. Totally.

I'm taping the show on my computer right now (Yeah for TV tuner Bday present!). I don't know how to post what I tape, but I can figure it out and I will post the activation scenes later. Wow. How VERY COOL!

Yeah! Here they are!
Hey, sorry for the poor video quality, best this tired mom could do. AND if the closed captioning bothers you, just think about how frustrating it would be if you RELIED on the captioning. I included the captioning for a reason. ;)


Dawn said...

Thanks for stopping by again today for my WW. I used to watch Y&R when I was a young mom - it was so good back then, but don't know what's going on now.

Chaotic Mom said...

Isn't Dr. Mintz one good looking audie????? (Inside joke...)


Anonymous said...

I thought the sound from a new CI tended to sound more like beeps or crickets, not language. Has this character only been deaf for a short time? In any case, everything I've read says it takes months (and continued tweaking of the program) for the brain to succesfully interpret sounds, let alone understand speech! Comments?

BEG said...

Ain't no way that's a real deaf kid. At all. What's the back story here? He must have been late deafened.

Chaotic Mom said...

I think the hearing history (when the patient went deaf, how much he talked before, etc.) REALLY make a difference in their rehabilitation post implantation.

This character WAS late deafened, his brain may have more quickly interpreted the sound picked up by the CI. I know of adults who have been implanted and are able to use their CI input almost IMMEDIATELY, and some who take a much longer time to get used to the input.

My children are deaf, have had a hearing loss since birth. My oldest son was able to use the CI input very quickly, picked up speech quickly. My youngest son was implanted earlier but is taking longer with communication. Everybody will be unique in their skills and abilities.

If you have any questions you'd like to ask directly to a CI adult, I could connect you with someone.

Anonymous said...

This video is so bogus!!