Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Reality Check

It happened. Someone dropped a big ball which would lead to postponing my son's surgery for at least two months. Well, this is actually the second time the ball was dropped, but this time we're out of wiggle room. Did Ticked-Off-Momma-Bear-Me yell at anyone to make something happen? NO. I took a moment to calm down, made a couple more phone calls, was on my nicest, best behavior, and managed a fix.... Hopefully. The young gentleman who has been helping me picked the ball back up and fixed the problem, hopefully.
At the end of the conversation we just had he said, "If you need anything else, please don't hesitate to call me." I replied, "Well, thank you, sir, but if you hear from me again, it will be face-to-face because if those documents aren't delivered by tomorrow morning, I'll be picking them up by lunch and hand delivering them myself." That would be a quick VA-Philly-Baltimore-VA trip that I would rather not make.

The cochlear implant is a miracle and the insurance is wonderful, but I am just so TIRED of chasing loose ends every time we move. New schools, doctors, paperwork, files...

One foot in front of the other, breath, repeat with other foot, keep moving forward...

Lessons for the Day: Keep copies of everything, all paperwork, in physical and digital formats. Keep records of people with whom you have spoken on the phone, the number called, the date and time called, and notes of what was said. When papers are being sent, when you are told "it's in the mail", get a tracking number and TRACK the package. When the package hasn't been sent, call back in your nicest, firm voice, armed with all of the notes you've been keeping, and get to the bottom of whatever went wrong. Take more notes.

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