Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Matt's Poem for Mommy

Matt (with a lot of help from his Dad) wrote this poem for my birthday, which also happened to be Thanksgiving. Matt read the poem for our whole family to hear. This poem means quite a bit to me, and just thinking about it has kept me motivated with ALL of the boys. :)

Matt's Poem for Mom's Birthday

I wake without sound, every day of every week.
My Mother comes to greet me, soft kisses on my cheek.
With her comes the world of sound, a pleasure to my ear--
I know it’s due to her hard work, that I even hear.

I don’t know how to thank her now, but will later in life
As I find my own way, home, children and wife.
After 20 years of her hard work I hope she’ll stand and say,
"I’m glad I worked to make my sons the men they are today."

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