Literally, on my computer. The hard drive is not processing very quickly these days, and this is even affecting my computer clock. I was checking my email this morning, thought it was 6:38 a.m. Then I got up to check on Chris and Josh who were blissfully watching a Scholastic video and OH MY GOSH, it was 7:18 a.m. instead!!!!! I had to rush Matt out of bed, get him fed and dressed and on the bus to school in less than 30 minutes! Not an easy job, Matt does not like getting up in the mornings. So I hooked his CI up, put it on his head, turned it on and told him, "Wake up now! The bus is almost here!" Well, it wasn't, but it was the only way I saw to get him moving! :)
Matt loves school this year. He is mainstreamed most of the day in his school, and does his language/spelling/etc. in the deaf/hoh classroom. He is in an oral group, and is doing very well. Matt just started in the mainstream class yesterday, and I was told that he fit right in. On Friday the teacher brought her class to Matt's deaf/hoh classroom and introduced them to the other children. Then they went back to their class and made cards to welcome Matt. He got them yesterday and brought them home to show us. I read every single one and almost cried the whole time. We've just moved all over the country and already feel more at home here with these schools than we did in most other places we've been.
Josh will start with his TC class next week. He will be going two days a week until he is three, I guess. I am THRILLED that he will be in a classroom with the teachers, other kids. I've done so much therapy at home with him, but I've noticed that he does much better with "therapy" if Matt and Chris are helping me, too. Josh would much rather hang out with the other boys than be doing something alone with Mommy. I think he's going to love school.
Chris is in the half day Pre-K class in Matt's school, but will come with Josh on Thursdays, maybe. I really wanted him to be a hearing peer in the class both days, this would be easiest for me with transporting the kids. But he is already bonding with kids his own age and doesn't want to be apart from them to follow me everywhere. So one morning a week he will be at a friends house before school while I drive Josh to his class, and I'll take Chris with me the other morning. I am firmly committed to the idea of hearing peers in a deaf/hoh classroom whether it's TC or Oral. I have seen how much of a blessing Chris has been to Matt (CONSTANT opportunity to use his speech) and Josh (a good example for him, too). And Chris doesn't realize it now, he's only four, but he has developed a special character just by living with and understanding his CI brothers and their struggles. Chris is a cool kid.
I thought about naming this post, "Schizophrenic School Week". It's been a little crazy around here, figuring out everyone's schedule, papers flying everywhere. My computer is usually my lifeline, and it's been acting crazy, too. Ugh. I keep telling myself to keep plugging away, it will all work out. :)
Oh! Oh! Oh! I finally DID receive, "Listening for Littles", and LOVE IT. I am so thankful that Josh's last therapist was using that program with him. It cost $80, came from Canada, and I think our last Early Intervention program would have covered it for us, but I don't mind paying for it. Even the pictures are cute and catch Josh's attention. The book and CD are very well laid out, fun exercise ideas with the "props" ready for printing out or copying. And the beginning of the book is full of information on communication development. I would recommend this program for any young CI child. I'll bring it to Josh's school, too.
I can't wait to meet the new Speech Path. I've been wanting to see what they know about Prompt therapy. The folks I've already spoken with seem very open to parental input and working with each child on an individual level. I know that's how every school system is supposed to be, but that doesn't realistically happen in many places. Matt is 7 and is in his 6th school already. I've seen many different schools and programs, and feel very fortunate that our kids get to attend their current schools. Something I've always told other parents, keep your eyes and options open for your child. You may find exactly what you and your children need in a place you least expect it. :)
Okay, about that word "normie". I'm guessing someone may be offended by that word. That is just our term for Chris. Not meaning he's normal and the others aren't. What am I supposed to call him? "Here are my two deaf kids with CIs and Chris, Boy with Selective Listening." Or, "This is Matt and Josh, my two deaf boys with cochlear implants, and Chris, He's Not Deaf." I mean, seriously, if I don't tell folks right up front about my boys, I find they just look at the boys and wonder what "that thing on their head" is. Very few people just outright ask what's on the boys' heads. And Matt is fitting in with kids so well most don't even believe he's deaf. They figure it's the other two boys. I then explain that no, the younger one is deaf, the CI is just hidden by his long, curly blonde, Hippy Hair. And don't you ever think I'm going to let his hair be chopped, either, ha ha! The other child, Chris, is not deaf, he just doesn't listen (grin). I get the same response all the time, from other parents mostly, "OH! So he's just like every other normal four year old!" Uh, yup. He's my "Normie".
Ugh, I have an appointment this morning, need to get moving. Next time maybe I'll talk a little more about "Silly Answers to Silly Questions." Honestly, I'm thrilled when people ask questions about my boys, and I sure like to talk about them, too. I like to explain how the boys are deaf, "100% deaf?" Yes, stone cold deaf. But how the wonderful CI technology can give them access to even more input than they may have otherwise. The technology truly fascinates me, always will.
OH! OH! We finally bought a T-mic for Matt! I think his CI may be programmed to use it, but I'm not sure about that. I hope so. We need to try it soon. Regardless, he has his 4 year post CI check up coming soon. We could take care of that then, if needed. Matt is great at trying new things. He likes to talk on the phone to other family members, and I am excited to think about how much easier that will be with his T-mic. Yeah!