Friday, October 14, 2005

To sign or not to sign?

I've been talking with a very neat lady about whether kids should use sign language after implantation. I don't think there's any one perfect answer to this subject. I think type of post CI therapy should dependson the abilities of the child, as well as family choices and what kind of resources are available for rehab. There is no one best way to rehab the kiddos.

Up front I'll tell you that I chose the CI for my son and committed to helping him learn how to cope in the hearing world. He signed early on, but I also pushed him toward better listening and speech skills. Matt has/had excellent therapists and is doing very well right now. Just because we used sign language does not mean we ever gave up with his listening and speaking skills. Matt progressed in these areas very well, and quickly. Some kids are able to do that.

Josh, on the other hand, is progressing slower. We use sign language with him much more, and he uses it back. Just getting him to use language is a primary goal right now. But while using sign, I also prompt him to use his voice. ALL THE TIME. It took a while for his brain to figure out what it was supposed to tell the mouth and voice box to do, but he's doing much better now. Hours and hours and hours of therapy, and I'm happy to see him progress, however slowly.

A parent needs to be observant, willing to figure out what the child's needs are, and try to meet them to the best of their ability and resources. A CI is not a magical cure, it is a tool, a device which can give some deaf folks access to sound.

That said, I think many children could benefit from auditory/verbal therapy. I'm not a pro with this therapy, but here are some good websites to find info for those who may be interested: , , , .

There is a good description on various therapies, including incorporating sign language, at: (excellent links).

I do not think there is any one best way to work with a child, and unfortunately some parents don't have great choices, have to "make do" with what's available to them. Then they learn how to work with the early intervention and school systems, and this can be very frustrating at times, too.

Matt did use sign language, and I don't think it has slowed him down at all. And even with Josh's delays, he is already figuring out that speech isn't so difficult, is using it more and more on his own every day. Progress will take a bit longer fr Josh, but I do not in any way think his sign language use is preventing him from access to the oral world. If anything, it's been a wonderful bridge for him, helping pull him into more consistent vocalization. Thanks to good teamwork between his therapists and one determined Mommy. :)

Well, I did re-up the link to Jsoh's pic. If you're interested, clink the link on the page, it's back there. He is SUCH a cutie pie!

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