I chose these pics because I think it's easy to figure out which kid is Matt. And to see how he's just hanging out and having fun with his friends. It's really cute how Matt's headpiece matches the flag patch on his shirt, too. He really loves those headpiece stickers!
I'm a Mommy, I worry about my boys. I work hard to help them with their communication, but I also spend time worrying that they'll "fit in" with friends, make buddies and have fun. Not only do the boys have to overcome some significant communication hurdles, but with us moving all of the time they have to constantly make new friends, too. I'm willing to admit that I probably worry too much, but that's just me.
So to help our boys out, we try to give them many chances to get out, meet other kids, and have fun. Cub Scouts has been a WONDERFUL experience for the boys. Only Matt is old enough for Cub Scouts, but Chris has tagged along with him the whole way, too. Matt has made a few friends in this group, the same boys from his mainstream 2nd grade class. He'll also be playing baseball with them next month. The coach is very willing to use the FM system, a big bonus for us.
For a some time this past year I was worried Matt was having some issues talking with these kids, communicating and behaving properly when in a large group. Then last week I overheard his mainstream teacher talking to the whole class (while I took the picture two posts below) about the exact same issues and specific incidents involving totally different kids in his class (playground behavior of other boys).
Then it dawned on me, I had one of those ah-ha moments. Matt is very much like every other boy in his class. Yes, I worry too much sometimes, but I also find it funny that I'm worrying about some of the same things most other parents worry about, too. And that deaf with CI, Matt is also a very normal, cool little boy. ;)
I have 3 girls and while they don't share the same "differences" that your boys do, they are different in there own way. It's hard because you constantly worry weather they are being accepted or teased. It's normal at least for me. LOL.
I think it's great he matches his stickers. LOL Great idea.
Kids are kids (generally) and until they get older, they tend to just be normal.
Here's hoping we as mothers can worry less.
Mothers will never not worry. I try sometimes to get Rowan to play with other kids, but she's pretty stuck on me. I just know once I get her in school, there are gong to be so many issues, cause kids can be so mean (We were all kids once, so we know. I'm not looking forward to the whole socializing aspect. I'm actually hoping she'll end up kind of booky, but not geeky. Ahh. it's so hard. I feel for you...
Thanks so much for dropping by and for your encouraging words. I feel much better today. I guess it's just something that a pregnant person just has to deal with on a day to day basis.
I, too, worry a lot about my son's "fitting in" whether it be in a party or a new class, or a new playgroup. I sometimes end up getting surprised that he actually gains new friends within just minutes of playing! He actually even forgets I'm there! Of course, we all just want the best for our children, and for them to not go through whatever "kiddie issues" we had in school. But i guess it's just all part of us letting go as parents, and to let them discover things and hope that we've prepared them enough when they are someday faced with social challenges.
Your kids are adorable!
AND. I think it is sooo normal to worry the way you do. That is just what good moms do!
Hey Momma M, your sons are cuties! My daughter is learning sign language at school, which I thought was pretty cool. Also, my little brother's best friend in grade school was deaf, my brother picked up sign language real easy, you know how kid's brains are just sponges. Try not to worry too much and enjoy the childhood. (I need to follow that advice too!)
I'm Joseph, directed here from the link you left on my blog.
Nice, cute boys you have there!! And it looks like you're doing a great job of integrating them into mainstream society. ;)
boy are so much fun!!
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