When Josh gets bored, unfocused, he falls into his own little world. Especially when tired. That means it can take a lot of my attention at times to keep him motivated, learning. Some times I have to just step back and let him do "his thing". I try to keep him focused on playing with something, but sometimes I just need a break, too.
Some days Josh will follow me around the house and communicate GREAT! Other days, like today, all of us are tired and want to be left alone. But I'm still committed to doing some type of therapy with him. I have found that he absolutely LOVES the outdoors. Even on his worst days he'll communicate better, relax and use his voice if we're doing something outside. That might not be so practical in a school setting, but it works at home. And he seems to focus on certain things, like the moon, but he gets relaxed enough outside that I can acknowledge the moon and then get him talking about the trees. Really cool!
I don't know if you can tell, but today is one of those days I've had to step back from him a little, take a breather, then almost dig in the trenches with him again. He's not my only focus, I have two other little boys I put a great amount of effort into, and a husband who for some reason thinks I'm supposed to be cooking for him every night. I don't remember that in the wedding vows. Let's just say that lately I've been trying out a few pizzarias in our new town.
Okay, back to what works. Josh does best when well rested. Makes sense, right? Well, Matt does his best school work in the quiet of the end of the day. He's been doing "school books" since before he was three. I used to LOVE the products at: http://www.learningadventures.com/ . I've used them with both Matt and Chris, deaf and hearing alike. Very well put together material. To this day Matt loves doing his "school books". The school provides plenty of them now, ha ha! I haven't been at their web site for a while now, just saw they have packages for younger kids, may have to look into that for the boys again.
But I've had to learn to use what works with each of the boys. One likes books, the other will do better hands on, outside. Matt likes to read and work at the end of the day, I have to put time aside each morning to spend with Josh before he gets too tired. Matt is very oral, Josh seems to need more tactile/visual input right now. I can really push Matt, always could, I have to be a little more creative with Josh.
They pay me in hugs, double on the weekends, triple on holidays. :)
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