Friday, February 03, 2006

The boys are quiet...

That is either a blessing or a warning. I will have to type quickly and then check on them. :)

Something I wanted to note. We started using closed captions for Matt's TV viewing, and his vocabulary and comprehension have greatly improved. I started off by watching a show with him, paused it (digital cable), then asked him about what was said. Since we started adding CC, I've done the same thing (w/o CC) and have found his comprehension much better. I think he just had to teach himself how to focus on what was said. How we speak things in class and therapy are much different than how things are said in the media. Much quicker there, more colloquial (sp?). I found that so true when I studied Russian. Give me a book or newspaper to read, not so bad. I would get very nervous when actually talking in Russian and listening to a speaker, but forget about listening to the radio or TV shows in Russian. It was much easier w/ a vocabulary list in front of me, helped me to "train my ear". Kind of like what we're doing with Matt, I guess.

Joshua, Joshua, Joshua. He is communicating much better now. I have to keep encouraging him to use his voice. I'm at a loss of what I could be doing at home, need to look back into the book, Listening for Littles, for some more ideas. Good program. But that kiddo spontaneously made a three word sentence (with signs) in class yesterday! He's been doing that at home, and much more. It's good to see he's doing that at school now, too.

I've been tired lately, had a little visit to the ER with more doc visits to follow. It's really hard to give much attention to the boys when I feel like I'm going to fall over, face forward. But the boys have all been very understanding. I'm working hard to get more order into this home so I can have more fun time with the boys. And for all the hours I already spend working with them, I feel absolutely no guilt when I have to take a break. I can see Joshua slip back a little when I'm not consistently working with him, but he'll get right back on track when I have the energy to keep up with him.

Okay now, PLEASE DELURK and leave a comment! I sure would love to hear what you think about my blog, our CI journey. Any suggestions or ideas for support would be greatly appreciated, too. :)


J. Robbins said...

Hi. I love your blog. Your such a great mom to your boys they are lucky to have you. I love to check out what's new with you little helps me feel like I'm not the only one living my life with deaf child. Keep up the good work!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You are awe mother of 3 beauitful boys. I found your blog and was reading right at the beginning to now as my eyes are literally shrinking.

Let me introduce myself, my name is brandi. I am deaf and uses CI. No, I do not have AB but few of my friends does. I use Nucleus Cochlear Implant, older version of N22. I was implanted at age 6 and is now 21.

I love reading your blogs and is lookin forward to read some more later today.

I wish you the best and ur 3 boys.