From AB's website (
"AuriaĆ® iConnectTM Adapter Your cable-free connector to miniaturized FM receivers. The iConnectTM Adapter provides cable-free access to the Phonak MicroLink MLxS, the most common advanced miniaturized FM receiver used in schools. With a separate power source, the device is designed to provide reliable FM reception without compromising regular power consumption.
*The Auria iConnect adapter is currently approved for US shipment only."
From my personal observations: YEAH! HOW COOL!
Okay, a little more personal, maybe. When I was at the workshop in NH (ref: two posts back), I was able to exhibit AB's new iConnect adapter for the Auria processor. My table was right next to the Phonak exhibit, so I was able to get some input from their rep, too. I will be the first to tell you that I think Matt is able to mainstream in school so easily because of his CI, but also in great part to his Phonak FM system. The FM has made life easier on the teachers, too. The teacher has to wear a transmitter, and Matt plugs his wireless, tiny receiver into his BWP. I can't imagine how much easier it would be if he could plug it, with no additional wires, into his BTE processor!
The iConnect is very new, and I don't think a version has been released for the CII BTE processor. I'll have to call and see if it will be, when, etc. BUT, Josh has an Auria, doesn't use it with his FM much right now. I'm wondering if I could havetheirr BTEs switched and reprogrammed? I don't know if it's possible, but if it is I'll go ahead and beg insurance to get it for him. Heck, I'd buy it out of pocket if I had to!
One feature I absolutely LOVE about the iConnect (other than it is wireless and oh so small), is that it uses its own battery power. I believe the battery has been tested to last 20-30 hours, but I'll have to check my paperwork on that. This means that it doesn't drain battery power and life from the BTE, a big plus. AB has really put a lot of work into their batteries, one of their strong selling points. They last a long time during the day, and are rechargeable and can last through years of recharging (our own experience). The new adapter uses disposablee batteries, but still lasts a long time per battery, not taking anything away from the BTE power. I'm not an engineer, but this is pretty good news to me.
I would like to get Matt a new processor all together, but am waiting for AB's 120 channel processor to be released. It's going to be a while before it comes out to the general public (testing, FDA approval, etc.), but I've spoken with an adult who is testing it (Aug. 28, 2005, post at: and she says it's so good that if insurance doesn't pay for it, I should just charge new ones on our credit cards, get them for the boys. If there's that much of a potential increase in hearing input for the boys, it is well worth the wait. And I don't think I'll have any problems justifying the upgrade to insurance, either. The boys are doing very well with the HiRes programming, but could do even better with the 120 channels. Yeah for progress and great technology!